Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to School

I recently found out that I'll be teaching kindergarten next year. I went through all of the Stages-of-Grief-with-Changing-Grade-Levels: Denial, Bargaining, Acceptance, Excitement, and... Shopping! I experienced a range of emotions: from anticipation to worry and joy to, well, exhaustion. (or pre-exhaustion, where you think, "Maybe I should sleep now to prepare for how tired I will be in September.")

I've been a teaching for 15 years. I've taught eager-to-learn first graders and brilliantly funny fifth graders. My last nine years have been in special education, working in a resource room with wonderfully inspiring kids who are making it through school with a variety of disabilities.

Moving back to a general ed classroom is a huge undertaking. There's a lot of work to do, and it all starts today with my first trip to my new classroom. Fasten your seat belts -or- if you're a kindergartener, get up in your booster seat- the adventure is about to begin!


  1. Are you happy about the move? I am sure you were a great special ed teacher. We need more people like you with those classes.

  2. Are you still at the same school or did you get moved back to us?

  3. Right now, I'm super-thrilled to be moving to kindergarten. I can't wait to see their cute little faces. (Ask me again later, this changes.)
    I'll be at the same school where I taught last year, and with a wonderful team of teachers.

  4. OMGoodness! Best of luck to you. Remember to keep some wine in your fridge at ALL times for when you return home school!
