Saturday, September 8, 2012

Fall Weekend

"What do teachers DO on the weekend, anyways?" inquisitive kindergarteners want to know.
So, here's what I'm doing this weekend:

1. Reflecting on the week. Some thing went really well. I love that the kindergarteners are so happy at school and excited to learn new things. They LOVE our literacy centers and math tubs, so we are off to a great start. Other things are not really working... snack takes a lot longer than I thought. And I need to come up with a way to have them illustrate our classroom rules this week so we can easily review them together.

2. Sorting books. That's right, I'm sorting through boxes and boxes of books. Well, they were in boxes. Now they are in piles and  knocked-over piles.  This week, the table groups will practice selecting and looking at books from shared book boxes. I want to make sure each box has a good mix of books so that students can read the pictures, retell familiar stories, and recognize the alphabet in alphabet books.

My dog was going to help, but she decided not to stay for the pictures.

3. Planning. I'm not going to spend the whole weekend sitting with a lesson plan book, but I AM going to keep thinking about the week. My head is full of songs we need to learn and cheers we can use.

4. Having fun. We all need a break sometimes, so I'm going to parties, baking zucchini cookies, painting in my art journal, hanging with my family, going to the theatre, and working on some crafts that I love. Oh, and resting. So I can make it through another week in kindergarten!

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